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Beloved Doge Meme Star Kabosu Dies At 17


Beloved Doge Meme Star Kabosu Dies at 17

The Iconic Shiba Inu Leaves Behind a Legacy of Millions of Memes

Kabosu, the beloved Shiba Inu who became a global sensation as the face of the Doge meme, has died at the age of 17. The news of her passing was shared by her owner on Instagram, leaving fans around the world mourning the loss of an iconic internet personality.

Kabosu's owner, Atsuko Sato, posted a touching tribute to her furry friend, writing, "My beloved Kabosu passed away peacefully on February 21st, 2023, at 10:11 pm at the age of 17." She added that Kabosu had been suffering from acute cholangiohepatitis and chronic lymphocytic leukemia in her final days.

Kabosu rose to fame in 2010 when Sato posted a series of photos of her dog on her personal blog. One of those photos, featuring Kabosu with her head tilted and a skeptical expression, quickly became viral and was turned into countless memes.

The Doge meme became one of the most recognizable and widely used online memes in history. It has been featured in everything from social media posts to advertising campaigns, and has even been used as a form of digital currency.

Beyond her internet fame, Kabosu was also a beloved companion to Sato. She was known for her sweet and gentle nature, and brought joy to countless people around the world with her adorable antics.

In her memory, fans of Kabosu have created tributes and shared their favorite memes on social media. And last November a bronze statue of Kabosu funded by donations from her fans was unveiled in their hometown. A 100000 statue of Kabosu and her sofa crowdfunded by Own The Doge a crypto organisation dedicated to the meme was unveiled in a park in. Kabosu was brought to an animal shelter with 19 other dogs Last November a bronze statue of Kabosu and her sofa was unveiled in Sakura her. Kabosu the shiba inu dog So proud is Sakura of its famous canine mascot that the doge image has been used on manhole covers and a. Kabosu the Japanese shiba inu who inspired many a meme and her very own commemorative bronze statue in Japan crossed the rainbow bridge..

Kabosu's legacy will live on in the countless memes and smiles she brought to the world. Her unique charm and endearing personality will forever be etched in the hearts of internet users everywhere.

